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Knowledge Base.



Doing business within the EU

An ABC supply chain transaction always concerns at least 3 business operators from one or more countries. In such a transaction, business operator A sells to B and B successively sells on to C. A delivers the goods directly to C.

In a standard ABC supply chain transaction, the business operator A sells to B and B sells to C. The goods go directly from A to C. If the transport occurs within the framework of the supply (A-B), B must register in the country of C and he must submit the VAT return there. In a simplified ABC supply chain transaction, there is no necessity for registration and submission of a VAT return.

You must comply with the following conditions:

  • You must be able to provide evidence of having bought the goods from A with the aim of successively selling them to C. You may provide such evidence by submitting a contract or an offer.

  • There are 3 business operators who each have a VAT identification number in a different EU country.

  • You make an arrangement with A in respect of the transport of the goods.

  • The goods go directly from A to C in the country of C.

  • You are not registered in the country of C.

  • You already have to submit your VAT returns in the Netherlands in respect of other taxable activities.

  • You include your intra-Community supply to C in your VAT return and in your intra-Community transactions declaration.


HOLLAND COMPANY has the solution  for the setting up, registration and reporting of your ABC supply chain transactions.

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